Friday, October 31, 2008


-----From what I have gathered about the prelude to any violent conflict of the American Revolution, it seems that the revolution aspect of it was not intended at all. For many years prior to the American Revolution, the people of America were governing and taxing themselves. Then, along comes the French/Indian War. A lot of this war was fought in America, on the Western and Northern borders of the British colonies in North America. Eventually, British Colonists/ Britain won the French Indian War. Unfortunately, to do so they had to accrue a huge national debt, and to pay it off, they decided to tax the colonists. I can't see a way that this makes sense, as Britain had already been making a substantial profit on America, by limiting the countries that they were allowed to trade with.
-----It seems strange to me that the men who would later be the founding fathers were not thought of as equal to people in Britain. They were men of wealth, and did as much as they could to be like the English aristocrats, but no matter what they did, it was not good enough. This reminds me a lot of High School, where certain cliques look down upon others who try and imitate them. The pre-founding fathers, men such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, were trying their best to be like the English aristocracy, because the colonists revered the British peoples, who they believe they belonged to. This makes just that much stranger when the colonists decided that they would not let Britain tax them.
-----I can see the colonists point of view fairly clearly. They had spent over 100 years governing themselves, developing and maintaining a stable government, capable of taxing themselves responsibly and complying to the British governments laws on trade. When the British Parliament decided that they would tax the colonists, the colonists saw it as a slippery slope, as then Parliament, which was half a world away would have the right to tax them for any and everything. I can also see England's idea on it though. They felt that America was simply a business venture, and that the people of America were in no way British. Also, they seemed to not realize that America was already producing an insane amount of revenue for them aldready, simpley because they could completely control trade with them.

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