Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Charles Deemer = smart

Charles Deemer is now going on my list of “people I would hug if I could”. I love the idea of a classroom that is based on peer to peer conversation, instead of the teacher acting as some sort of dictator of knowledge. I have had several teachers who have tried this method of education, but too many of my peers refused to realize that they were being handed the key to and education that did not involve them turning into cattle.
There is one spot on the modern school curriculum that I can’t see the idea of a “happening” fitting in, and that is the math class. In my limited experience, I have found that the only good way to learn math is to practice it over and over, and do it in the way that the teacher(s) tell you to do it. However it may just be that I am a zombie and don’t want to think of a new way of learning math.
As to the impressive way he supported his opinion, Charles Deemer posted many quotes from other sources, and instead of writing a report style document to declare his position on the topic, he responded to each quote separately, which accentuated his point in my mind. Personally, I never would have thought to do this.

1 comment:

[[=DaViD=]] said...

I agree.

The peer to peer learning technique is VERY useful. especially in math.