Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New: Viginia document 1606

I believe that the authors of this document were King James, as well as (I assume) a council of advisers.
The people who the council of merchants, who were receiving this charter, chose to go to the new world in search of riches.
Legal, business-like, commanding.
Large words abound, seemingly for the purpose of making the document look more commanding. Much of the language used is old fashioned and very difficult to understand this day and age.
-Purpose and Content
The purpose of this charter is to grant permission for the exploration and colonization of the Americas. As to its content, it consisted of several ground rules and laws, as well as a few taxes on the expected gold and silver deposits.
--Main Idea/Thesis
To provide a legal excuse for taking “unclaimed” land in the New World of America.
-Ethos (emotions)
As this is a legal document, there is little emotion. It does however attempt to stir up greed, allowing the people who settle in the new land to keep 80% of all valuable minerals (gold and silver) found in the New World, and granting them the right to print their own money.
-Pathos (character)
The people of England were at this time living in very crowded conditions, so this New World, with all its wide open virgin land must have seemed a utopia to the people.
-Logos (logic)
The logic of this document is that the land is populated on by “Naturals”, who can easily be manipulated to allow for the English colonists to take the land for their own.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Virginia Document

King James, as well as (I assume) a council of advisers.
The people of England.
Legal, business-like, commanding.
Large words abound, seemingly for the purpose of making the document look more commanding.
-Purpose and Content
Is to inform the people of England of England’s claim to the land called Virginia.
--Main Idea/Thesis
To provide a legal excuse for taking “unclaimed” land in the New World of America.
-Ethos (emotions)
As this is a legal document, there is little emotion. It does however attempt to stir up greed, allowing the people who settle in the new land to keep 80% of all valuable minerals (gold and silver) found in the New World, and granting them the right to print their own money.
-Pathos (character)
The people of England were at this time living in very crowded conditions, so this New World, with all its wide open virgin land must have seemed a utopia to the people.
-Logos (logic)
When I think of it, I cannot see anything that we might now call logic, but it does seem that they are using the unclaimed nature of the land as an excuse for setting up an over-seas trade post.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Using the first template on pate 8:

Bartolome de Las Casas argues that the native peoples of the Americas were treated in a most horrible way, in a way contradictory to God's will, and I agree because of my beliefs of how the Spanish conducted themselves, even though I am basing my beliefs on information gleaned centuries after the fact. I am truly appalled at the idea of hanging the Indians, and the Spaniards made it only worse by the lighting of fires underneath the crudely constructed gallows, so as to save the conquering forces the task of cremating the bodies. All of this happened only for sport, after they had decimated the entire population of Indians, butchering not only men, but also the women and children.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Here's hoping this is what you meant:

It is my firm belief that one’s writing philosophy should be your uncensored opinion of how you go about every person’s dream of self-understanding and enlightenment. I believe that writing should be as pure as possible, only censored where it is required to avoid insulting your audience, unless you feel that is the only way you can get them to grasp your point. Writing is a chance for you to show your audience your opinion, and to open the door for informed discussion and for others to supply their ideas and opinions, thus continuing the cycle of knowledge sharing until the given topic, and all topics brought of during the discussion are exhausted, which if every person involved is in fact involved, should never happen.
The internet has opened a medium for millions of people to share and consume new ideas with their peers. I do however frown at those who, instead of providing useful material for discussion, simply abuse the anonymity of the internet to insult others, ruining their confidence and shutting down the cycle of knowledge that would otherwise have near infinite supplies of new ideas from millions of people (a brief but accurate description of the kind of person I am referring to is shown by John Gabriel’s “Greater Internet ****wad Theory”, which states that: normal person + anonymity + audience = ****wad). My point is simply that the internet provides an excellent tool for educated discussion, as long as people are willing to be civil and mature.
Through writing, you can identify with others, as well as yourself. By identifying with others, you begin to develop and opinion, or possibly evolve one that you have previously made. However, this is only made possible by people actually having an opinion, thus and environment of understanding and trust must be made to allow people the confidence to voice that critical first idea. From there, there is a near infinite realm of ideas that then have a chance to bloom and branch out to yet more ideas and topics, furthering everyone’s knowledge, both of a given topic and their own opinions of it and of themselves.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Charles Deemer = smart

Charles Deemer is now going on my list of “people I would hug if I could”. I love the idea of a classroom that is based on peer to peer conversation, instead of the teacher acting as some sort of dictator of knowledge. I have had several teachers who have tried this method of education, but too many of my peers refused to realize that they were being handed the key to and education that did not involve them turning into cattle.
There is one spot on the modern school curriculum that I can’t see the idea of a “happening” fitting in, and that is the math class. In my limited experience, I have found that the only good way to learn math is to practice it over and over, and do it in the way that the teacher(s) tell you to do it. However it may just be that I am a zombie and don’t want to think of a new way of learning math.
As to the impressive way he supported his opinion, Charles Deemer posted many quotes from other sources, and instead of writing a report style document to declare his position on the topic, he responded to each quote separately, which accentuated his point in my mind. Personally, I never would have thought to do this.

Monday, September 22, 2008

My PSEC essay v3.0

There are many problems in today’s world, but we don’t see them everyday. We know about them, but don’t really take the time to think about them. Many of the problems are occurring half a world away, so we don’t feel their effects. Even worse are the problems that we do see everyday, but choose to ignore. I believe that the worse of these problems is racism. Racism is everywhere, and almost everyone is guilty of it, in one way or another, one time or another.

You can see strong examples of racism most places, with no people or country being exempt. Have you looked at an individual from a different ethnicity twice, wondering if all the stories you’ve heard about that race are true? Likely you don’t even realize you are doing it. Racism can be found in places such as the bible, and it has led to many stereotypes.
I still don’t understand why some people take it to extremes. Assaulting and killing someone just because they have a different skin color or different beliefs is beyond my ability to understand. When you think about it, people can’t be of a different race. There is the human race, and all races blend together.

There are some things that just should not be truths in modern society, but are despite many attempts by many people to make everyone realize that people are more than just their skin color or ethnicity. I feel that it is in fact possible to erase racism from society, if people are willing to release their misled ideas of other cultures and instead let themselves embrace cultural diversity, experiencing new things from different cultures. Some people might still stand out and reject whole groups of people, but they would hopefully be the exception, not the rule.

Racism is an ugly word, and an ugly belief system. People should embrace their uniqueness but also embrace the fact that they are part of a beautiful thing. The human race.